Number Keys – Lesson 12

Game Description

In this lesson pupils get to explore the world of numbers by learning to use the top row of the keyboard. These number keys are a big part of all sorts of everyday typing tasks, like homework or filling out forms.

In our number typing lesson, the main goals are to be really accurate and fast. So, for the left hand, the pinky is for 1, the ring finger for 2, the middle for 3 and the index for 4 and 5. The right hand gets to handle the rest, with the thumb, pinky, ring and middle fingers from 6 to 0. This way, all your fingers get properly utilized.

With free typing practice customized to each learner’s skill level, our platform supports elementary students in building strong typing foundations. Our program uses basic computer lessons for elementary students, teaching them not only how to type but also encouraging a deeper understanding of keyboarding essentials.

For parents looking for online typing lessons for free, TypingBird is the best platform you can explore. Our free online tools will help your child  master typing and boost their academic performance.

Explore more basic lessons and start learning now!

Number Keys – Lesson 12

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In this lesson pupils get to explore the world of numbers by learning to use the top row of the keyboard. These number keys are a big part of all sorts of everyday typing tasks, like homework or filling out forms.

In our number typing lesson, the main goals are to be really accurate and fast. So, for the left hand, the pinky is for 1, the ring finger for 2, the middle for 3 and the index for 4 and 5. The right hand gets to handle the rest, with the thumb, pinky, ring and middle fingers from 6 to 0. This way, all your fingers get properly utilized.

With free typing practice customized to each learner’s skill level, our platform supports elementary students in building strong typing foundations. Our program uses basic computer lessons for elementary students, teaching them not only how to type but also encouraging a deeper understanding of keyboarding essentials.

For parents looking for online typing lessons for free, TypingBird is the best platform you can explore. Our free online tools will help your child  master typing and boost their academic performance.

Explore more basic lessons and start learning now!