VMBN Keys – Lesson 4

Game Description

Our free online typing lesson introduces a novel challenge to the learner by introducing the bottom keyboard row, that is the VMBN keys. The focus is on the V,B,M,N keys. The student faces the challenge of stretching their hands beyond the home row keys encouraging keyboard familiarity.

The VMBN typing lesson involves visual animated basic lessons that guide the learner and give them cues when to type the next key to jump. This not only makes the learning impactful but also enjoyable.

Position your left index such that it types V, the right index B, the right middle finger M and the right index N key. This finger placement is crucial for touch typing. Touch typing is all about developing muscle memory through the consistent repetition of your finger movements. With our free typing practice for grade 1,grade 2,grade 3,grade 4, the movements will become natural and you will find yourself typing faster and with less effort.

As you begin these typing lessons, remember to focus on accuracy. Aim for close to 100% accuracy and speed will come with consistent typing practice. It’s only a matter of time before you become the typing pro you always envisioned.

Explore more basic lessons and start learning now!

VMBN Keys – Lesson 4

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Our free online typing lesson introduces a novel challenge to the learner by introducing the bottom keyboard row, that is the VMBN keys. The focus is on the V,B,M,N keys. The student faces the challenge of stretching their hands beyond the home row keys encouraging keyboard familiarity.

The VMBN typing lesson involves visual animated basic lessons that guide the learner and give them cues when to type the next key to jump. This not only makes the learning impactful but also enjoyable.

Position your left index such that it types V, the right index B, the right middle finger M and the right index N key. This finger placement is crucial for touch typing. Touch typing is all about developing muscle memory through the consistent repetition of your finger movements. With our free typing practice for grade 1,grade 2,grade 3,grade 4, the movements will become natural and you will find yourself typing faster and with less effort.

As you begin these typing lessons, remember to focus on accuracy. Aim for close to 100% accuracy and speed will come with consistent typing practice. It’s only a matter of time before you become the typing pro you always envisioned.

Explore more basic lessons and start learning now!