Wpm Calculator

Wpm Calculator

Ever wondered how quickly you can hammer out words on your keyboard? Well, figuring out your typing speed is a piece of cake! In fact, knowing your typing speed comes in pretty handy for keeping tabs on how much better you’re getting at typing as you go along. This quick guide will show you how to do it all by yourself. Let’s get cracking and find out how fast those fingers can type!

Steps to Calculate Your Typing Speed

Step 1: Choose Your Typing Test

Now, the first thing you should do is track down a good typing test, which you can easily find for free on the web. Most of these tests will have you type out a chunk of text within a certain time limit.

They’ll give you a score based on how fast you can type, measured in words per minute (WPM). But keep in mind, it’s not just about speed, there’s a bit of finesse to it as well.

Step 2: Understand the Formula

To calculate your typing speed, you need to understand the basics:

What is considered as a word?

  • A “word” is assumed to be of any five characters.

For Example,

This sentence “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.” contains 46 characters or 9 words. This simplifies the calculation of words typed: just count all the characters typed and divide by five to determine the number of words.


Gross WPM (Words Per Minute) measures how quickly you type without accounting for errors. It’s determined by dividing the total number of words typed by the time, in minutes, it took to type them.

  • Gross WPM= (Total number of words) / Time taken

But, let’s not miss the bigger picture here. Getting things right is important too! So, this situation often involves mistakes:

  • Accuracy= (Total Number of letters-Number of mistyped letters) /Total number of letters
  • Net WPM= Gross WPM * Accuracy

Step 3: Take the Test

Start your test and type away! Focus on speed but don’t forget accuracy. Mistakes can slow you down significantly. Once the test is over, note the total number of words you typed and any errors you made.

Step 4: Crunch the Numbers

Let’s say you typed 100 words in 2 minutes but made 5 errors. Here’s how you’d calculate it:

Gross WPM= (Total number of words) / Time taken

Total number of words = 100
Time taken=2 minute
Gross WPM= (100) / 2

Accuracy= (Total Number of letters-Number of mistyped letters) /Total number of letters

Number of correct letters=95
Number of mistyped letters=5
Total number of letters=100
Accuracy = ( 100 – 5 ) / 100

Net WPM= Gross WPM * Accuracy

Net WPM= Gross WPM * Accuracy
        =50 *0.95
Net WPM=47.5 WPM

 Step 5: Interpret Your Results

So, you’ve got your WPM, but what does it mean? Here’s a quick guide:

  • 0-25 WPM: Slow
  • 25-45 WPM: Average
  • 45-60 WPM: Fluent
  • 60-80 WPM: Fast
  • 80-100+ WPM: Pro

Tips for Boosting Typing Speed

Want to improve your typing speed?  Here are a few tips you should try:

  • Practice Regularly: You can simply set aside a few minutes each day to practice and you’ll certainly get better at it.
  • Use All Fingers: Typing with all ten fingers helps spread the workload.
  • Sit Comfortably: Make sure you sit with a good posture as you type. This minimizes strain and supports faster typing.
  • Avoid Looking at the Keyboard: Building muscle memory is essential for increasing speed. So, try to get better at typing without looking at the keyboard.

Wrapping up

Knowing and enhancing your typing speed isn’t just about having bragging rights over numbers. It’s really about mastering one skill that helps you get your thoughts and ideas out faster in our techy world.

When you work on becoming a quick at typing you’ll definitely level up your productivity, plus you’ll be a better gamer. You’ll also make the whole typing experience more pleasurable. The beauty is that you’ll get better with time. So, remember to be proud of your progress and keep pushing to go even quicker!

Educational Typing Games

Explore TypingBird's exclusive collection of free typing games for kids. Jump into endless fun with our typing games that make learning to touch type a fun experience.

Touch Typing Lessons

TypingBird's typing lesson series is designed for both kids and adults. It offers step-by-step lessons, engaging exercises to transform them into a confident touch typist.

Words Per Minute Test

Discover your typing potential with TypingBird.com. Measure your WPM speed by taking the 1 min,2 min or 5 min speed challenge.